Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Recent news

Sooo, just an update. Savannah Candy Kitchen emailed me back and they said my editing was great, however, they want to put the project on hold so that they can get better photos of the products for their catalogs and website. Meh. But, they are going to get back to me if/when they get it back up and going again.

Haven't heard back from the Back in the Day contest, but they closed up shop for a week and a half. So that we'll see about still.

My notebook shipped out yesterday and should be here soon for me to start filling up. Anxious and excited at the same time.

ALSO, I just found this contest, so I'll be working on this too. It's a food poster illustration :) Fantastic. Going to attempt all three categories. Am I crazy? I have a month-ish to do it. Have to make the time and push myself to do it. I will do it...

And lastly, I put color back in my hair on a decisive whim this past weekend and (fortunately) my boss lady likes it, so I don't have to take it back out. I think because of it though, today when I was at Kroger picking up some groceries, a man stopped me in the canned good aisle asking me to join up with him to get a band going. He asked if I was musically inclined and kept talking to me for about 20 minutes trying to get something going even though I insisted I was an artist and not very musically inclined. He was surprised I didn't play an instrument or sing for performance. He mentioned his sound was like Evanessence or Paramore. And this is the reason I believe he scoped me out based on my haircolor. I told him to contact me if he needed any cd artwork, but other than that I couldn't help much... (I'd prefer to work on my artwork than start a band I have to leave in a few months anyway.)

School starts back up soon. Two weeks I think? Hard to believe it's almost over.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm back :)

After a a bit of an artwork hiatus due to a promotion at work eating up my time and energy, I took on a t-shirt design contest for Back in the Day Bakery (one color image, 8x10 max, $100 if they use it) and am also potentially doing some photo editing for the Savannah Candy Kitchen's website and catalog if they like the edits I sent them (essentially trying out for the job type stuff). Cross my fingers for both to be thumbs up.

Also, a dear friend of mine, Amy, sent me a link to a cool art project that you can find out about here: . I ordered my own sketchbook and plan to participate as it would not only be good practice, but my artwork gets to travel the US and then have a permanent place in the Brooklyn Art Library if I finish it by the deadline. And that would be totally cool... Oh btw my theme for my sketchbook is going to be Nighttime Stories. Kinda excited about that :)

And now without further ado, I'd like to introduce to you my t-shirt illustration for BinDB.

All images are copyright of Brittany White 2010

(Ps. One more quarter til graduation. Yay!)